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Understand the difference between Profit and Cashflow

  • Posted by Duografik
  • On March 13, 2019
Profit is not Cashflow.  It sounds obvious but many small businesses rely heavily on their Profit and Loss to assess their Cashflow position. However this only provides part of the picture. Profit and Cashflow are closely related but they are very different measures of your business. Arguably it’s like comparing apples with oranges. You may […]
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Do your suppliers have poor cashflow?

  • Posted by Duografik
  • On March 12, 2019
It is vitally important that the suppliers you rely on to service your business have strong cashflow and can meet all your expectations.  So how do you recognise when things are not as good as they should be? Below is a list of behaviours that by themselves may not mean much, though if you start […]
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